Submit Civil Engineering Plans for Review

Submit Plan Online

Step 1.Review Requirements

Unless single page files are specifically requested, upload electronic plan sets as a single PDF file.

Plan Submittal Requirements:

  • PDF copy of the civil plan set,
  • PDF of any study or report completed in support of the project (examples: Traffic Impact Analysis, Flood Study, TXDOT permit documentation)
  • Use the Private Development Plan Review Guide(PDF, 193KB).
  • Each submittal will be checked for completeness; plans not meeting the above requirements shall be returned without a full review by all applicable departments.

Subsequent Plan Submittal Requirements:

  • A single PDF of the complete revised plan set,
  • Comment Tracking spreadsheet with responses from consultant

Step 2.Submit Online

You can submit Civil Engineering Plans online through the City of Grand Prairie's Customer Self-Service portal . First time users will need a valid email address to set up an account. It takes about 5 minutes to create a new account. 

Submit Online

Refer to the Private Development Plan Review Schedule(PDF, 29KB). Depending on complexity of project and/or caseloads, additional or less time may be needed for each review.

Phone / In Person

All Civil Engineering Plans must be submitted online through our Customer Self-Service Portal, CSSPaper plans will not be accepted.

You are welcome to call for questions on how to submit plans online. Communication with the City Engineering staff via email is encouraged to help provide clarifications and address any questions throughout the review process. If a meeting is deemed necessary, call the Engineering Department to schedule the meeting.

Phone: 972-237-8141


Business Hours:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

What happens next?

1. Complete Floodplain Development, SWP3 and Earthwork Permits

If required, applications for the following permits should be submitted to the City's Stormwater Inspections group prior to the City's release of the civil engineering plans:

2. Complete Easements and Permits with Others

The City of Grand Prairies requests that agreements with other agencies or property owners that support the development be completed prior to releasing civil engineering plans. This reduces the risk of construction without permission from other affected parties.

Examples of permits and agreements requested prior to the release of the civil plans:

Copies of these permits shall be submitted to the City for review and record retention.

3. Civil Engineering Plan Release

When City markups have been incorporated or resolved, city staff will notify the design engineer to coordinate with the developer to sign their portion of the City release stamp located on the cover sheet. The cover sheet is to be sealed and signed/dated by the Engineer of Record also. At this time, city staff will also issue a City File number.  This number is different than the X number and is usually in the format of P-, SD-, W-, or SS- following by a number, for example "P-1692."  The City File number should be placed near the lower right-hand corner of each sheet.  The City File number is normally placed in two different places on the cover sheet.

The release of plans by city staff is based on general compliance, and does not approve or warrant the design, and does not relieve the Owner/Developer from any items discovered during construction which are deemed necessary to comply with Federal, State, or City ordinances and standards. The current City Standard Details at the time of release of the Public Works construction permit shall be used to ensure continuity of construction of public improvements.

4. Request Pre-Construction Meeting

Once city staff has signed the cover sheet, the selected Contractor may schedule a pre-construction meeting. A pre-construction meeting with Engineering staff is a required step for projects that include public improvements (i.e. facilities that will eventually be owned and maintained by the City of Grand Prairie).

These meetings are held virtually through Microsoft Teams on Thursdays at either 1:30 p.m. or 2:30 p.m.

Schedule Pre-construction Meeting

5. Submit Public Works Construction Permits and Traffic Control Plan

After the pre-construction meeting is scheduled, submit the following applications, which will be reviewed by staff prior to the meeting: 

Once the required applications are received and the pre-construction meeting is complete, the permit is issued and the project is released for construction. 

If you have questions, please contact Nestor Ramirez, Development Construction Coordinator, at

Onsite During Construction

Each contractor or subcontractor must possess a copy of the Final Submittal, and a copy of the Public Works Construction Permit with supporting documentation at the project site. At least one (1) copy of the City of Grand Prairie Clearing, Grubbing, and Earthwork permit, SWPPP, the NOI, and TxDOT Permit(s) as applicable shall be onsite at all times.

6. Project Closure

The Developer/Contractor must confirm completion of the project once the stabilization thresholds have been met, all erosion control BMPs associated with the project removed, and provide a copy of the SWP3 Notice of Termination (NOT). After confirmation, the Stormwater Department or designee will sign off on the final check list.

Refer to the Final Project Acceptance page for information on submitting record drawings and final acceptance.