Network Node Right-of-Way Permit (Small Cell Node)

The Network Node Right-of-Way Permit allows for the installation of small-cell facilities on existing, new, privately-owned and publicly-owned structures (such as traffic-signal poles and streetlight poles) within the public ROW.

The city has adopted a design manual to provide technical criteria and details necessary for providers seeking to install and construct network nodes, node support poles, and related ground equipment in the city's right-of-way. View Design Manual for the Installation of Network Nodes and Node Support Poles(PDF, 2MB).

Apply Online

Step 1.Review Requirements

The following is required prior to issuance of a Small Cell Node Permit:

  • Network Provider and Applicant information
  • Construction Plans
  • One General Contractor’s letterhead, provide the name , address, and phone number of subcontractors, and detailed information of type(s) of work to be performed by each.
  • Certificate of Insurance (for Contractor – should be on file with Registration). Refer to Right-of-Way Management Ordinance for Requirements
  • Location and Description of Work (include street names, termination points and linear feet of cable work; include additional locations as a separate attachment, if necessary
  • View Node Right-of-Way Permit On-Site Requirements(PDF, 70KB)

Step 2.Apply Online

You can apply online for a building permit through the City of Grand Prairie's Customer Self-Service portal. First time users will need a valid email address to set up an account. It takes about 5 minutes to create a new account.

Apply Online

Step 3.What next?

After completing the online application, permits are processed in approximately 3-5 business days. Depending on updates needed from the applicant, as this can result in longer approval times.

Phone / In Person

You are welcome to call or visit in person for help submitting your online application. 

Phone: 972-237-8141


City Hall - Engineering Department
300 W. Main Street
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

Business Hours:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday


  • Rental fees will begin to accrue 3 months after the permit is released by the city. The first rental fee will be pro-rated based on the number of months remaining in the calendar year and subsequent fees will be invoiced based on a traditional calendar year (Jan 1 – Dec 31). Rent will be $250 annually. 
  • Application and payment are submitted through the online Self-Service portal.