View Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation and Revenue Certificates of Obligation
Engineering Inspections inspects all publicly dedicated construction within City rights-of-way and easements.
Engineering Inspections performs inspections services during normal business hours. Inspections must be coordinated with the Chief Engineering Inspector and the assigned Inspector. Inspections can also be made on weekend and holidays as approved by the City. The contractor shall request the services well in advance, in writing, by 12 PM on the Wednesday prior to the weekend, and payment must be made by 12 PM on that Friday.
View Engineering Inspection Forms(DOC, 76KB)
Engineering Inspections coordinates geotechnical testing services for public infrastructure. Ordinance 7951 requires developers to escrow funds for the geotechnical testing services that are managed by the City using City approved geotechnical firms.
View Geotechnical Testing Ordinance(PDF, 251KB)
Physical AddressEngineering Department 300 West Main St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Mailing AddressEngineering Department P.O. Box 534045 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 Phone: 972-237-8321 Email: