View Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation and Revenue Certificates of Obligation
Tax increment financing is a tool that local governments can use to publicly finance needed structural improvements and enhanced infrastructure within a defined area. These improvements usually are undertaken to promote the viability of existing businesses and to attract new commercial enterprises to the area. The statutes governing tax increment financing are located in Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code.
The Board of Directors makes recommendations to the governing body of the municipality that created the zone concerning the administration of the zone. The governing body of the municipality by ordinance or resolution may authorize the Board to exercise any of the municipality’s powers with respect to the administration, management, or operation of the zone or the implementation of the project plan for the zone.
Learn more about the TIF Board
Address Finance Department 300 West Main St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Phone: 972-237-8279 Fax: 972-237-8080