Citation Payment


Paying in full may result in a conviction on your driving record.

The following services are offered online:

Pay Online


Call 1-844-635-0454 (monthly payments and full payments)


If you wish to pay by mail, send the correct amount for each violation (use the Citation and Warrant Search to view schedule of fines).

You do NOT have to appear UNLESS you are a:

  • juvenile - age 16 or younger
  • minor with a tobacco violation - age 20 or younger
  • minor with an alcohol violation - age 20 or younger

Send a copy of your ticket and a check or money order (do NOT send cash), payable to the City of Grand Prairie Municipal Court, to the following address:

City of Grand Prairie
Municipal Court
200 West Main Street
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

Place the ticket number(s) you wish to pay on the check or money order to insure that payment is credited to the correct violation. Failure to properly identify where the money should be posted will delay the processing of your payment. A $25 fee is charged for any returned check, the case(s) will be reopened and will be subject to the issuance of a warrant for your arrest.

If payment is not mailed on or before the appearance date on your ticket, a $75 increase in fine will be added to each offense.

In Person


Grand Prairie Municipal Court
200 W. Main St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Monday - Thursday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday - Sunday: closed

Deposit Box:

200 West Main St.
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

The deposit box is on the northeast corner of the building (off of 2nd St). Please do not submit cash in the deposit box.

Citation Fees

Use the Citation and Warrant Search to view the total amount owed for your citations and/or warrants.

Payment Methods

The Municipal Court offers the following payment methods for your convenience:

  • Cash
  • Check (personal or business)
  • Money order
  • Credit/debit card (in person only): MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover
  • Installment payment plan

Payment Plans

If you wish to pay your fine in multiple payments, you must request to do so at the Court Clerk window located in the lobby of the Court or see the Judge as noted below. State law requires that a $25 time payment fee be added to each offense that is paid more than 30 days after a plea or judgment has been entered. Standard requirements for a time payment plan are listed below.

Note: The following guidelines refer to totals before "time payment fees" or "deferral fees" are added.

Note: The following guidelines refer to all cases included in the payment plan.

  1. If total due is $150 or less, balance is due immediately.
  2. If total due is $151-$300, you will be required to pay a minimum of $100 per month until the amount is paid in full.
  3. If total due is $301-$600, you will be required to pay a minimum of $150 per month until the amount is paid in full.
  4. If total due is $601-$1000, you will be required to pay a minimum of $200 per month until the amount is paid in full.
  5. If you have more than 5 offenses, an appearance before the Judge is necessary to obtain a payment plan.
  6. You should make the first payment on the day the payment plan is established.
  7. If you have multiple cases, your payments will be applied first to cases with the lowest balance due. Therefore, if the amount owed on the case can be paid off within 31 days of judgment or plea entered the payment plan administrative fee will not have to be applied to that case.
  8. If your case is in warrant status, you MUST pay at least 1/2 of the balance to clear the warrant.
  9. Time payment is available for cases when deferred disposition is granted.
  10. If you want to pay less than the monthly payment due, the payment will be accepted, but the date the full monthly payment is due does not change and the balance of your monthly payment is still due on the date certain. In other words, no extension is granted upon payment of less than the amount due.
  11. If you default on your Time Payment Agreement, a Warrant will be issued for your arrest and additional warrant fees will be added.