Childcare Permits
The Public Health and Environmental Quality Department issues permits to all child care facilities that fulfill the requirements under the minimum standards for day care centers, and for day care food service.
What kind of permit do I need?
A childcare or day care center is a commercial facility where care and supervision is provided for children under 14 years of age. A childcare or day care center must have a "Childcare Center Permit." If the childcare center serves food, a Childcare Food Service Permit will be required, as well.
A childcare family home is a private residence in which the caregiver takes care of children in his/her primary residence; and takes care of no more than six (6) children under age fourteen (14) years, plus no more than six (6) additional school age children. The total number (counting his/her own children) is no more than twelve (12) children at any time). A childcare family home must have a "Childcare Registered Family Home Permit."