Join Get Fit GP as a Partner

Community organizations and businesses are invited to partner with the City of Grand Prairie's health initiative to help educate and encourage residents to live a healthier lifestyle. Get Fit Grand Prairie is a community-wide wellness initiative that focuses on decreasing childhood obesity and increasing the health of all residents through physical fitness and healthy food options.

Each month the City encourages residents to participate in a healthy activity, such as a community walk, run, or sporting event. Your participation in one or more of these events can boost the level of success for the Get Fit Grand Prairie initiative.


Organizations or businesses interested in becoming a Get Fit Grand Prairie Partner must have similar educational efforts and be able to provide health information or screenings at various Get Fit Grand Prairie events and activities.  

Partnerships will be acknowledged in program brochures, as well as on our Get Fit Grand Prairie website.


Organizations or businesses interested in becoming a Get Fit Grand Prairie sponsors should be able to provide in-kind products or services to at least one Get Fit Grand Prairie event or activity per year.

Sponsorships will be acknowledged in program brochures related to the event or activity being sponsored, as well as on our Get Fit Grand Prairie website year round.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email, or call 972-237-7594. We thank you for your time and continued support.

*Disclaimer: The City of Grand Prairie is pleased to partner with these businesses; however, these companies are separate entities than the City, and participating with them in this project does not necessarily indicate that the City fully endorses their business or product, nor does the City intend to disparage any other similar businesses or products that may not participate in the Get Fit GP program.