Get Fit Grand Prairie

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Protect your skin this summer from harmful UV rays to prevent skin burns and damages. Remind friends and loved ones the importance of taking the proper steps to avoid future skin complications. 

July: Sun Safety (Click Here)

UV protection is important year-round, not just in the summer, to prevent skin cancer and damage. People of all races and ages, above 6 months, should be taking steps to protect their skin from the sun's harmful effects.



♦ You only need sun protection when its bright outside or summer.

       FALSE. Sun protection is needed even if its cloudy, cold, or you’re just in the car! UV rays can penetrate windows and clouds. You should wear sunscreen even if you are just in the car.

♦ I applied sunscreen this morning so I’m good all day.

      FALSE. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours, and even more if you are sweating or swimming. The best to use is broad spectrum, SPF 30 or more.

♦ I’m just getting a base tan; it’s not damage because it’s not a burn.

      FALSE. A tan is still damage! Tanning can greatly increase the risk of developing skin cancer or melanoma. Getting a tan does not protect you from other burns or damages.

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For more resources about staying active and healthy with your family, visit:

Join us as a Get Fit GP Partner!

Community organizations and businesses are invited to partner with the City of Grand Prairie's health initiative to help educate and encourage residents to live a healthier lifestyle. Get Fit Grand Prairie is a community-wide wellness initiative that focuses on decreasing childhood obesity and increasing the health of all residents through physical fitness and healthy food options.

Each month the City encourages residents to participate in a healthy activity, such as a community walk, run, or sporting event. Your participation in one or more of these events can boost the level of success for the Get Fit Grand Prairie initiative.

Partnerships will be acknowledged in program brochures, as well as on our Get Fit Grand Prairie website.

Sign up your business/organization to become Get Fit GP partner

If you have any questions, please feel free to email, or call 972-237-7594. We thank you for your time and continued support.

Get Fit Community Partners

*Disclaimer: The City of Grand Prairie is pleased to partner with these businesses; however, these companies are separate entities than the City, and participating with them in this project does not necessarily indicate that the City fully endorses their business or product, nor does the City intend to disparage any other similar businesses or products that may not participate in the Get Fit GP program.

Mental Health: C.O.P.E.

The Grand Prairie Police Department’s COPE initiative stands for Community Outreach Partnership and Education. This information-sharing program allows first responders to have immediate access to helpful information that would assist them in a crisis. Our first responders are dedicated to partnering with our citizens with disabilities, and it is our proactive goal to have a program in place to assist. In the event a person is unable to properly identify themselves, or becomes lost/disoriented, or might act in a manner that could be misinterpreted by first responders, this information could be accessed rapidly.

Learn more

Diabetes Prevention Program

PreventT2 classes are offered by Dallas County Health & Human Services. The National Diabetes Prevention Program of the CDC has created the PreventT2 program for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention.  

As part of a PreventT2 group, you will work with other participants and a trained lifestyle coach to learn the skills you need to make lasting changes for better health. These changes include losing a modest amount of weight, being more physically active, and managing stress. Being part of a group provides support from other people who are facing similar challenges. Together you can celebrate successes and find ways to overcome obstacles.

For more information, view Dallas County's Diabetes Prevention Program information page.

Upcoming Events

Contact Info

Phone: 972-237-8055
Fax: 972-237-8228

Public Health & Environmental Quality
300 W Main St
2nd Floor
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

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