Sustainable Water Conservation

faucet pouring water on hand over lush green grass

Water is a renewable resource; however, it is a limited resource. Less than 1 percent of water on earth is available for human use. That's why it is important to practice water conservation tips at all times.

Here are some ways to conserve water at your home:

  • In the home:
    • On average, the American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home, of that 70% occurs indoors.
    • The bathroom is the largest consumer of water in the home. Toilets account for 24% of water usage while showers account for 20% of water usage. Faucets follow closely behind with 19% of water usage. To reduce water consumption in the bathroom, consider switching to low-flow shower heads, toilets, and faucets.
    • Look for the WaterSense label when replacing appliances or fixtures. This label shows that the product meets the EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance. Use the WaterSense Product Search Tool to find a wide range of WaterSense labeled products from toilets to sprinklers. (
    • Fill the dishwasher to its full capacity and avoid pre-rinsing. Scrape and/or soak dishes rather than rinsing them. Doing so can save up to 10 gallons per load!
    • Wash full loads of laundry to reduce the number of wash cycles. 17% of household water usage comes from washing machines.
    • Make sure there are no water leaks in the house! Household leaks can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water a year.
    • Wondering how much money you could be saving? Calculate your water savings here (
    • Find out more about how to conserve water at Take Care of Texas.
  • In the yard:
    • Choose native plants when gardening. Plants native to Texas require less water, less fertilizer, and are more tolerant to drought and disease. Use the Native Plant Database to find native plants. ( Or visit Lady Bird Johnson’s Wildflower Center to view their Plant List and Collections. (
    • Install a rain barrel. Rain barrels conserve water by reducing the amount of water that flows from the property. Use the collected rainwater to water the lawn, garden, or anything else that may need watering. It is important to note that rainwater that flows into rain barrels can hold pollutants. The city of Grand Prairie offers rain barrel classes.
    • Use WaterSense labeled controllers to make irrigation scheduling more efficient. Doing so can save the home up to 15,000 gallons of water each year. There are two types of controlled that are offered: weather-based and soil-moisture. These allow watering better tailored to the landscape’s needs while conserving water at the same time.
  • For the kids:
    • The EPA offers great resources for kids to learn about water conservation through games and worksheets.