Landfill is a service for Grand Prairie residents or businesses. The following documents are required to use the landfill:
- A current Texas driver's license with a Grand Prairie address
- Water Utility bill matching the address on the license
Residential loads delivered by household member will be allowed 5 free loads at the landfill per year with a current Grand Prairie water bill (no more than 30 days from due date). Residents will be charged $10 for each additional load they bring to the landfill.
No termination notices accepted (bill with Red lines). Grand Prairie water bill must be current or there is $10.00 charges per load without current water bill or after (5) loads free per year with current water bill.
Paperless customers are allowed five free loads per year with a current Texas driver's license or I.D with the Grand Prairie address of where the trash was generated and their Grand Prairie water bill account number. (Paperless customers are people who receive no monthly water bill in the mail).
Loads from apartments or other residences that do not receive curbside or alley collection of residential waste will not be eligible for a free load and will charged at commercial rates.
Commercial customers will be charged $40 per ton plus a $10 minimum per load and must provide documentation starting where the waste was generated.
All residential and commercial customers who would like to dispose of clean dirt must call the landfill prior to disposing of the dirt to schedule an appointment for the dirt to be tested and complete a form certificating that there are no contaminates or hazardous chemicals or materials in the soil.
Disposal of dirt will only be accepted Monday through Friday by appointment.