Example Water Bill
(Residential Customers)

1. Account and Contact Information
Account Number: Reference this number when paying your water bill.
Service Address: Make sure your service address is accurate. If there are any changes, contact Utility Customer Service.
Water Office Contact Information: You can speak with a Utility Customer Service representative at 972-237-8200 or in person Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 300 West Main Street.
2. Meter Information
Service Period: Water bills lag by 4 to 6 weeks, which means a bill you receive in September is for 4-weeks use in July/August, depending on your billing cycle.
Meter Number: All meters are uniquely numbered to identify a particular meter assigned to one location.
Previous Read / Current Read: The water meter is like an odometer; it displays a cumulative reading of the total water usage from the day that the meter was installed.
The number listed under “Previous Read” is the number of 1,000 gallon units that has been consumed up until the first day of your billing cycle. The number listed under “Current Read” is the number of units that has been consumed up until the last day of your billing cycle (a four week period).
Consumption: The number of 1,000 gallon units that you consumed during your service period. This number is calculated by subtracting the “Current Read” from the “Previous Read.” (Current Meter Read - Previous Meter Read = Consumption)
Last Year vs. This Year: The graph on your water bill shows your usage this year compared to last year in terms of 1,000 of gallons.
3. Account Activity
Last Bill: The amount of your last water bill.
Payments: The amount that you paid for your previous water bill.
Current Activity – Your water bill is calculated by adding up the following costs:
- Storm Drainage Fee (Fixed charge depending on square footage pays for the cleaning, repair, maintenance and improvement of the city’s storm drain system.)
- Water (This is a tiered rate based on the amount of water used.)
- Wastewater (Base fee plus variable rate billed on either the winter month average or the current month’s water usage.)
- Trash/Recycling Service (Fixed charge pays for garbage and recycling pickup services.)
- Voluntary Donation (You can help those in need keep their water on by automatically adding as little as $1 a month to your water bill through the Water Assistance Program.)
- Garbage Tax (This is a State of Texas tax for Real Property Services associated with the removal or collection of garbage.)
(View the "Understanding Your Water Bill" section for detailed explanation of costs.)
Current Bill Due: the date that your current bill is due.
Balance: the amount you currently owe
Balance after Due Date: includes the late fee that will be added if your bill is paid after the due date.
4. Detachable Bill Payment Stub
The part of the bill below the perforation contains important information for processing your payment. If you pay your bill by mail, this portion is detached and returned with your check. If any information on this stub is incorrect, please contact Utility Customer Service at 972-237-8200.