Mayor and City Council

Our City Government

The city of Grand Prairie is a Home Rule City and is governed by the laws of the State of Texas and within the framework of the City Charter which was approved by the voters of Grand Prairie on May 1, 1948. Amendments to the Charter have been approved periodically by the voters of the city. The city operates under a Council-Manager form of government which combines strong leadership, representative democracy through elected officials, and a professionally trained and educated city manager.

The City Council is the legislative body; its members are the community's decision makers. Power is centralized in the elected council, which approves the budget and determines the tax rate, for example. The council also focuses on the community's goals, major projects, and such long-term considerations as community growth, land use development, capital improvement plans, capital financing, and strategic planning. The council also supervises the city manager's performance.

City Council Top 10 Priorities and Goals

Download a copy of the City Council's Top 10 Priorities and Goals(PDF, 326KB).

You don't have a PDF plugin, but you can download the PDF file.(PDF, 326KB)

Mayor and City Council Members


Contact City Secretary

Phone: 972-237-8035
Fax: 972-237-8088

Mailing Address:
City Secretary
P.O. Box 534045
Grand Prairie, TX

Physical Address:
City Secretary
300 W Main St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Mona Lisa Galicia
City Secretary

Gloria Colvin
Deputy City Secretary


Contact City Council Members