Alert GP

Alert GP is a free service that will notify you about severe weather, emergencies and other important news affecting the Grand Prairie area.

You will receive time-sensitive messages on your home, mobile or business phone however you specify through text, phone or email.

Sign up for Alert GP

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

You can subscribe for Free alerts and manage your profile on the Everbridge Emergency Alert site. To sign up for Alert GP, click the button below.

Sign up for Alert GP

When will the system send me alerts?

The Alert GP system will be used to notify residents or businesses about imminent threats to health and safety, such as the need to evacuate or take appropriate action in the event of severe weather or other critical activity. You will see the alert as coming from the City of Grand Prairie – Alert GP. The system could be activated for the following incidents:

  • Tornado watch and/or warning
  • Severe thunderstorm watch and/or warning
  • Flood watch and/or warning
  • Emergency evacuations
  • Drinking water contamination
  • Unexpected street closure
  • Critical utility or water service outage
  • Crime-related situation causing an immediate threat to a specific area

What do I do when I receive an emergency notification?

Be sure to confirm and acknowledge the message – this lets the system know that you received the information and will stop further attempts to contact you for that notification cycle.

What is the difference between a watch and a warning?

Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of a hazardous weather condition. When a watch is issued by National Weather Service, be aware of imminent danger. Start thinking of your emergency plan and gather your disaster supply kits.

Warning: A hazardous condition exists. It’s time to take immediate action to protect you and your family. Stay informed via media outlets.

Should I call 9-1-1 when I receive an emergency notification?

No. If you get an emergency notification regarding a situation in your area, the 9-1-1 systems are already very busy. Please do not call 9-1-1, but instead, follow the notification instructions.

Should I wait for an emergency notification before I evacuate or take shelter?

If you are aware of an emergency situation occurring in your area, do not wait for a notification if you do not feel safe. Take action as you see fit, depending on the emergency.

What if my contact information changes?

If your cell phone, work phone, or email address changes, you are responsible for going to the Everbridge Emergency Alert site, logging in, and updating the information.

Will I still get emergency notifications if I don’t sign up?

If you don’t sign up, you will only receive emergency notifications on your traditional landline home phone (if you have one), but nowhere else. These notifications can take longer, depending on call volume.

Will my contact information be shared with others?

No, the information you provide will be used for emergency purposes only. It will not be given to any other vendors or organizations or used for any other purpose.

If you have further questions about Alert GP, please contact the City of Grand Prairie's Office of Emergency Management at or 972-237-8333.